Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cloud Dough --> Water play!

I joined Pinterest during the school year and found lots of beautiful play ideas that I was anxious to try as soon as I had time, we had materials, and Addy had the skills. Happily the stars aligned here at the beginning of break with my free time to play and shop and Addy's huge jumps in development coinciding with her toddlerhood, and we got to start trying some cool stuff this week.

We tried some play dough a few months back at a friend's house, but Adders was still too oral for that adventure to be very fun. Since she's finally gotten over that (mostly), I decided to try cloud dough. Cloud dough is super simple - just mix flour and baby oil. Start in an 8:1 flour to oil ratio and add more flour or more oil as desired. Simple.

Cloud dough is pretty cool because the flour stays powdery but sticks together if you press hard, then crumbles easily.

 Ok, so Mama thought it was cool and played with it a bunch. Little Miss stuck her hands in it for a few minutes, rubbed some experimentally on her arms, and then toddled over to get the bottle of baby oil so she could practice her lid removing and replacing skills.

(Side note - cloud dough absorbs spilled baby oil. You might say "duh" but I wish I'd known that back when Adelaide had cradle cap and I had her coated in baby oil - I could have coated her in flour too to help get it off rather than washing her 87 times.)

I kept encouraging Adelaide to come back to the cloud dough, but she wasn't interested. She moved into her camp chair and got in and out of it for awhile. I finally gave up and cleaned up the cloud dough. There was residue on the play mats, so I turned on the hose to clean them off. Major playtime score!!

Addy was immediately entertained by wandering in the puddles on her play mats. She slipped only once before realizing that she needed to walk carefully.

She came over to where I had the hose and started sticking her hands in it and following me around, then pointing and saying "That! That! That!" so I gave her the hose. Lots of entertainment ensued.

Happy girl was happy until she got cold - then she was very, very sad. Poor lovey, we were late for nap by that time too.

Moral of the story: cloud dough is fun because it means you get to play in the hose!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hi. I'm Sarah. I'm a wife, a mommy, a teacher, and a scientist. Here I hope to chronicle my experiments in domesticity and homemakerism, creativity and craftiness, teaching and mothering. Hopefully you will enjoy!

My husband is a medical student at The University of Colorado. My daughter, Adelaide, just turned one. We own a little house in Aurora. I teach high school Chemistry. Now you know the basics to give context to whatever may be yet to come. Here's a family photo, just for all you visual types. :)

Happy reading!